Hey Myrtle Beach, it’s Cool Cat dropping in with the 411 on the hottest event in town coming up this weekend! It’s the 2020 Spring Home Show at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center from February 21-23, 2020. Hosted by the Horry Georgetown Home Builders Association, this event has something for every cat in your crew. Hours are 10AM to 6PM on Friday and Saturday and from 11AM to 5PM on Sunday. Admission is $5 per person and kids 16 and under are free.
This is the 40th year for the Spring Home Show and it showcases everything and anything for your home, workshop or outdoor space. Other special events include seminars and workshops, plus cooking demonstrations and food tastings. The Waccamaw Arts and Crafts Guild will be there featuring work from local artists. You can even get in on a silent auction with proceeds benefiting Kind Keepers Animal Rescue. Perhaps Cool Cat’s favorite thing is that Kind Keepers Animal Rescue will be there with lots of pups and friendly felines looking for forever homes. So you can stop by and find stuff for your home and take home a new best friend too, that’s coooooooool!
Of course, the cats from Carolina Cool will be there talking about all the services they provide such as HVAC, Plumbing, Gas Line Installations, Electrical Services, Indoor Air Quality, Solar Panels, Commercial Services and Residential Services. One call, these cats handle it all and you’ll always get the top pros in the know. So make sure you stop by and see Carolina Cool at the 40th Annual Spring Home Show. Tell them Cool Cat sent ya!
For more information about the 2020 Spring Home Show visit http://springshow.myrtlebeachhomebuilders.org. If you would like to review a guide to the home show and vendors to pre-plan your homey adventure, visit https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/63064395/2020-home-show-guide2