If your air conditioner turns on and then off right away, there are several possible causes. It could be a problem with the thermostat, a refrigerant leak, an oversized AC unit, or a dirty air filter.
Let’s explore each of these issues more in-depth.
Thermostat Problems
One of the most common reasons for AC quick cycling is a problem with the thermostat. If the thermostat is set too low, the AC will turn on and then off again because it can’t reach the desired temperature. You can fix this problem by simply raising the thermostat setting. You might also have a faulty thermostat, or the problem could be caused by where in your home the thermostat is located.
Refrigerant Leak
Another possible cause of AC on and off cycling is a refrigerant leak. If there’s not enough refrigerant in the system, the AC won’t be able to cool properly. Refrigerant helps regulate the pressure and internal temperature inside your unit. When the pressure drops, this causes the compressor to malfunction. The result is that the AC will cycle on and then off right away.
Oversized AC Unit
If your AC unit is too big for your home, it will cool the space quickly but then shut off before it has a chance to remove all the humidity or run through a full cycle. This can leave your home feeling damp and uncomfortable. An oversized AC unit can also lead to higher energy bills. To fix this problem, you’ll need to have a new AC unit installed that’s the proper size for your home.
Dirty Air Filter
A dirty air filter can also cause your AC unit to turn on and then off right away. When the filter is clogged, it restricts airflow and puts strain on the AC unit. The result is that the AC will turn on, work for a while, but then overheat and turn off. Clogged, dirty air filters can also cause the coils to freeze up, which will shut down the AC and potentially lead to more serious problems. Check your air filter monthly and change it immediately if it is dusty or dirty.
If your AC unit is turning on and then off right away, there are several possible causes. These include thermostat problems, refrigerant leaks, oversized AC units, and dirty air filters. With the exception of a dirty air filter, most of these issues should be addressed by a qualified HVAC technician. You can trust Carolina Cool with all of your air conditioning conundrums. We have certified expert technicians and 24/7 service available.