Have you ever experienced trying to take a shower with low water pressure? Or maybe you’re trying to fill up a pot of water for cooking, but it takes forever to fill up? Poor water pressure in your home can be a frustrating problem to deal with, but there are solutions that can help you improve it. Here, we’ll provide you with some tips and tricks to boost your home’s water pressure and make your life a bit easier.
1. Open your main water valve
One of the biggest culprits of low water pressure in a home is when the main water valve is only partially open. Make sure that the valve is completely open to allow maximum water inflow into your home.
2. Clear debris and clogs built up in pipes
Over time, minerals and sediment can build up in your pipes, which can restrict water flow. If you have hard water, the buildup can be even worse. To remove mineral deposits on showerheads or faucets, soak them in vinegar. If the problem is in your pipes, you will need to call a plumber for assistance.
3. Replace the pressure regulator
If your pressure gradually drops over time, it may be due to a bad pressure regulator. The pressure regulator controls the pressure of the water coming into your home from the municipal water source. If it goes bad, it could lead to low water pressure throughout your house.
4. Look for leaks
Leaks can siphon off water from your supply, which can lower pressure at your faucets and fixtures. To detect leaks, look for water stains or puddles around your home. If you suspect a leak, call a professional plumber to assess the situation.
5. Install a home water pressure boosting pump
If your home is situated on an uphill slope or a long distance from the municipal water source, you may need a home water pressure boosting pump. This pump can help to increase water pressure throughout your home and make sure you have enough pressure for all your water needs.
Low water pressure can be a frustrating problem to encounter. Thankfully, there are several solutions to help you improve it. Whether it’s opening your main water valve or installing a home water pressure boosting pump, there are many ways to increase water pressure in your home. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact Carolina Cool – our plumbers are ready to help you get your water pressure back to normal.